Friday, March 23, 2012


To anyone who using Bot Official can update here ->KOCpowerBOT. Hurry. Hurry. =)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I found the way to get free gift from my friend. Here is the link you can get free gift such as free resources and so on. you can get 20 or more gift from this. I hope this is helping. -->  KOC CLAIM GIFT. i can share with you all without go every domain and paste it. It will help you to get started in new domain with this free gift resources. i think this way might be easy for me and you all. Enjoy the game..

p/s: Refresh after accept the gift.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Make $1000 with Merchant Referral Bonus Program

Did you know paypal will give you free money by join  paypal and join their referral program. only 1 referral you can earn almost up to $1000. Paypal is a global e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfer to be made through the internet. Online money transfer serve as electronic alternatives to paying with traditional order methods, such as checks and money orders.